Masataka G. Suzuki, Keiji Suzuki, Fugaku Aoki, Masahiro Ajimura
Effect of RNAi-mediated knockdown for Bombyxmori transformer-2 gene on the sex-specific splicing of Bmdsx pre-mRNA
Int. J. Dev. Biol. 56, 693 – 699, 2012
Machika Kawamura, Tomohiko Akiyama, Satoshi Tsukamoto, Masataka G.Suzuki and Fugaku Aoki.
The Expression and Nuclear Deposition of Histone H3.1 in Murine Oocytes and Preimplantation Embryos.
J. Reprod. Dev. 58(5), 557-62, 2012
Nashun B*, Akiyama T*, Suzuki MG, and Aoki F.
Dramatic replacement of histon variants during genome remodeling in nuclear-transferred embryos.
Epigenetics, 6, 1489-1497, 2011.* equally contribution
Akiyama T, Suzuki O, Matsuda J, and Aoki F.
Dynamic Replacement of Histone H3 Variants Reprograms Epigenetic Marks in Early Mouse Embryos
PLoS Genet., 7,e1002279,2011
Inoue A, Ogushi S, Saitou M, Suzuki MG, and Aoki F.
Involvement of Mouse Nucleoplasmin2 in the Decondensation of Sperm Chromatin after Fertilization.
BiolReprod., 85, 70-77, 2011. 内容説明
Owa C, Aoki F, and Nagata M.
Protein degradation in silkworm peritrachealathrocytes and its physiological role in metamorphosis.
J.Insect Physiol., 56, 1108-1117, 2010.
Nashun B, Yukawa M, Liu H, Akiyama T, and Aoki F.
Changes in the nuclear deposition of histone H2A variants during pre-implantaion development in mice
Development., 137, 3785-94, 2010
Abe K, Inoue A, Suzuki MG, and Aoki F.
Global Gene Silencing is Caused by the Dissociation of RNA Polymerase II from DNA in Mouse Oocytes.
J. Reprod. Dev., 56, 502-507, 2010. 内容説明
Inoue, A. and Aoki, F.
Role of nucleoplasmin 2 C-terminal domain in the formation of nucleolus-like bodies in mouse oocytes.
FASEB J., 24, 485-94, 2010.内容説明
Suzuki, T., Abe, K., Inoue, A. and Aoki, F.
Expression of c-Myc in nuclear speckles during mouse oocyte growth and preimplantation development.
J. Reprod. Dev., 55,491-5, 2009.内容説明
Nagaoka, K., Aoki. F., Hayashi, M., Muroi, Y., Sakurai, T,. Itoh, K., Ikawa, M., Okabe, M., Imakawa, K. and Sakai, S.
L-amino acid oxidase plays a crucial role in host defense in the mammary glands.
FASEB J., 23,2514-20, 2009.
Owa, C., Aoki, F. and Nagata, M.
Gene expression and lysosomal content of silkworm peritrachealathrocytes.
J. Insect Physiol., 54, 1286-1292, 2008.
Sonehara, H., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F.
Roles of the first and second round of DNA replication in the regulation of zygotic gene activation in mice.
J. Reprod. Dev., 54, 381-384, 2008
Kiuchi, T., Aoki, F. and Nagata, M.
Effects of high temperature on the hemocyte cell cycle in silkworm larvae.
J Insect Physiol., 54(2), 454-61, 2008.
Inoue, A., Nakajima, R., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F.
Contribution of the oocyte nucleus and cytoplasm to the determination of meiotic and developmental competence in mice.
Hum Reprod., 23(6), 1377-84, 2008. 内容説明
Ooga, M., Inoue, A., Kageyama, S., Akiyama, T., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F.
Changes in H3K79 methylation during preimplantation development in mice.
BiolReprod., 78, 413-24, 2008. 内容説明
Kageyama S, Sonehara H. Nagata M. and Aoki F.
Expression of Histone Methylases and Demethylases during Preimplantation Development in Mice.
J. Mamm. Ova Res. Vol. 24, 126-131, 2007
Inoue, A., Akiyama, T., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F. The perivitelline space-forming capacity of mouse oocytes is associated with meiotic competence.
J. Reprod. Dev., 53, 1043-1052, 2007.内容説明
Yukawa, M., Oda, S., Mitani, H., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F. Deficiency in the response to DNA double-strand breaks in mouse early preimplantation embryos.
Biochem. Biophys .Res. Comm. 358, 578-584, 2007.
Matsuhashi, T., Akiyama, T., Aoki F. and Sakai, S.: Changes in histone modification upon activation of dormant mouse blastocysts.
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Kiuchi, T., Aoki, F. and Nagata, M.: High temperature causes arrest of cell cycle in G2 phase in BmN cells derived from the silkworm, Bombyxmori.
Physiol. Entomol., 32, 212-218, 2007.
Kageyama, S., Gunji, W., Nakasato, M., Murakami, Y., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F. Analysis of transcription factor expression during oogenesis and preimplantation development in mice.
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Kageyama, S., Liu, H., Kaneko, N., Ooga, M., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F. Alterations in epigenetic modifications during oocyte growth in mice.
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Nakasato, M., Shirakura, Y.,Ooga, M., Iwatsuki, M., Ito, M., Kageyama, S., Sakai, S., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F. (2006) Involvement of the STAT5 signaling pathway in the regulation of mouse preimplantation development.
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Akiyama, T., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F. (2006) Inadequate histone deacetylation during oocyte meiosis causes aneuploidy and embryo death in mice.
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Inoue, K., Ogonuki, N., Miki, H., Hirose, M., Noda, S., Kim, J-M., Aoki, F., Miyoshi, H. and Ogura, A. (2006) Inefficient reprogramming of the hematopoietic stem cell genome following nuclear transfer.
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Kageyama, S., Liu, H., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F. (2006) The role of ETS transcription factors in transcription and development of mouse preimplantation embryos.
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Kinukawa, M., Oda, S., Shirakura, Y., Okabe, M., Ohmuro, J., Baba, S.A., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F. (2006) Roles of cAMP in regulating microtubule sliding and flagellar bending in demembranated hamster spermatozoa.
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Kageyama, S., Liu, H., Nagata, M. and Aoki, F. (2006) Stage specific expression of histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) during oogenesis and early preimplantation development in mice.
J. Reprod. Dev., 52, 99-106.